How to find seo keywords for a website free

How to find seo keywords for a website free
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How to find seo keywords for a website free

Finding SEO keywords for your website for free is certainly possible, and there are several methods and tools available to help you identify relevant keywords. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

How to find seo keywords

1. Brainstorm Initial Ideas:
Begin by brainstorming a list of topics and keywords related to your website’s content, products, or services. Think about what your target audience might search for when looking for information in your niche.

2. Competitor Analysis:
Look at your competitors’ websites and see what keywords they are targeting. You can use tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz to analyze their content and identify the keywords they rank for. While these tools often require a subscription, you can often access limited data for free.

3. Google Keyword Planner:
Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that provides keyword ideas and search volume data. You can create a Google Ads account to access this tool. Enter your initial keywords, and it will suggest related keywords and show you their monthly search volumes.

4. Google Search:
Perform manual searches on Google using your initial keyword ideas. Pay attention to the autocomplete suggestions and the “People also ask” section at the bottom of the search results page. These can give you insights into what people are searching for in your niche.

5. Google Trends:
Google Trends is another free tool that can help you identify trending topics and keywords. You can compare the popularity of different keywords over time and see regional interest.

6. Ubersuggest:
Ubersuggest is a free keyword research tool that provides keyword ideas, search volume data, and keyword difficulty scores. It can help you find long-tail keywords and related phrases.

7. Answer the Public:
Answer the Public is a free tool that generates questions and phrases related to your keywords. It can be useful for identifying informational content ideas and long-tail keywords.

8. is another free tool that provides keyword suggestions from various sources, including Google, YouTube, Bing, and more.

9. Google Analytics and Search Console:
If you already have a website, you can gain insights into the keywords that are driving traffic to your site by using Google Analytics and Google Search Console. These tools can provide valuable data on the keywords that are performing well for your site.

10. Content Gap Analysis:
Identify gaps in your content and keywords by comparing your site’s content to that of your competitors. This can help you discover additional keyword opportunities.

11. User Intent:
Focus on the intent behind the keywords. Ensure that the keywords you target align with the user’s search intent, whether it’s informational, navigational, or transactional.

12. Group and Prioritize Keywords:
Organize the keywords you’ve found into relevant groups or categories. Prioritize the keywords based on search volume, competition, and relevance to your content and audience.

Remember that effective keyword research is an ongoing process. As you create and optimize content, regularly review and update your keyword strategy to adapt to changes in user behavior and search trends. Additionally, consider tracking your rankings and website performance to measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts. Protection Status

One thought on “How to find seo keywords for a website free

  1. I often use Google Keyword Planner to research keywords, and combined with searching for that keyword directly on Google, to find related keywords.

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